Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Breast Cancer and Hope

My name is Donna Bramante InDelicato. I live in Windham, NH. At just 34 years old, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. A partial mastectomy later, I thought I was cured. But, that was not to be. Four years later, I was again diagnosed. This time, the diagnosis was devastating: Stage III cancer, aggressive, and traveling outside my breast. With a bright future, a husband, two beautiful young children, and a wonderful extended family, I had everything to live for. I underwent a year of cancer treatment including several surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation. When the treatments finally ended, I was thrilled to be alive. But, the effect that stayed with me the longest and pervasively affected my life was the absence of my breasts, a deformity I lived with for 4 1/2 prime years of my life.Several times over those "breast-less" years I visited plastic surgeons seeking the hope of breast reconstruction. Each time, the answer was no. I was too thin, had too much tissue removed, and the radiation damage was too extensive. Finally, through serendipity, I landed in the office of Dr. Karl Breuing, a pioneer of a breast reconstruction procedure that utilizes donor tissue matrix (known as AlloDerm) and implants to recreate breasts. The results have been remarkable, not only in how this procedure restored my appearance, but, more importantly, how breast reconstruction helped restore my life.This blog will chronicle my journey, what I have learned, my collaborations with others, and how, in many ways "Cancer cured me."